Gynvael - Mission 021 - Solution

The source for this mission can be found in stream 63. It is in Polish but it can be easily spotted that the main source is a PCAP file that can be downloaded from here.


Hacing this file on our disk, there isn't much more to do just to open it in Wireshark. This is probably a go-to tool when it comes to analyzing PCAP-files.

We can see there's some HTTP communication so, let's check what are files being transmitted in this file.

Browsing through the list and my attention was immediately caught by 3 items:

  • /misja021_secret_area/ GET & POST
  • something_suspicious.png
  • something with application/zip Content Type.

Quickly checked the /misja021_secret_area and I was certain that this is the right place but we've needed a response reply. Thre was a POST request that was showing sending a asdf reply to the form but this didin't work.

I've donloaded all off them and began next stage - outside Wireshark.

Wild-goose chase

Zip was password protected and having seen the "something_suspicious.png" I've immediately jump into the conclusion that this is the next step that I need to solve (it will contain the password for zip). I was even more sure that this is the thing when I saw this

xxd something_suspicious.png | more

00000060: 1f13 3b37 5690 de20 0000 0023 7445 5874  ..;7V.. ...#tEXt
00000070: 436f 6d6d 656e 7400 2d2d 2d3e 2075 6e61  Comment.---> una
00000080: 6c70 6861 206d 7920 616c 7068 6120 3c2d  lpha my alpha <-

And for sure there was something with alpha when this image was displayed. So I went on a chase to remove the alpha transparency from this image. After few quick trials with Photoshop and searching for an online tool I've switched to Python & stackoverflow. With few backs and forth managed to get something working:

Running this script gave me this:

LOL. But even at this point I was still under the impression that there's a password somewhere. Well spending another fruitless 15 minutes and I gave up. We need another approch.

Back to the drawing table

Being unsuccessful with obtaining the password from the image I got back to the description (which at first I only skimmed - never, ever do that again!) and noticed that there is an info about usage of short passwords - so maybe the password protected ZIP can be brutforced?

Here are probably more than those two tools but the most common ones that could be used here are: John The Ripper & fcrackzip.

Fcrackzip is easy. Just type:

fcrackzip -b -l1-6 -p a -u

and in a matter of seconds you will get:

PASSWORD FOUND!!!!: pw == cdo

For john it's a bit trickier.
first we need to optain the hashes by using zip2john utility.

zip2john > zip.hash

then crack them with John the Ripper.

../Tools/JtR/run/john zip.hash

Using default input encoding: UTF-8
Loaded 1 password hash (PKZIP [32/64])
Will run 2 OpenMP threads
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
0g 0:00:00:05 3/3 0g/s 2273Kp/s 2273Kc/s 2273KC/s 24jjds..261m32
cdo (
1g 0:00:00:06 DONE 3/3 (2018-03-30 23:48) 0.1547g/s 3286Kp/s 3286Kc/s 3286KC/s samandrear..shicks102
Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably
Session completed


After unzipping the file we're given the challenge_response.pyc, I was thinking of going with dis here but first I've just typed

cat challenge_response.pyc

hoping that something interesting will be visible. At it was.

We could clearly see the usage (that we needed a password for), rot13(!) and a long string that was looking strange. So let's try to rot13 it and see waht we will get:

echo 'ovatb_onatb_obatb_ovfu_onfu_obfus' | tr 'A-Za-z' 'N-ZA-Mn-za-m'


but using it gives us a 'no-no'. Looking a bit closer to this 'bingo_bango...' and we can see that the last 'f' is a bit odd. Probably it shoudn't be there, so let's try without it and...

python challenge_response.pyc bingo_bango_bongo_bish_bash_bosh 20589149961826172157662607405

Response: 1d37dcd249fcb8dbaea3ca6805cfa2c1efea66f9e157f3da30e15edc8f132f1f

Using that on page gives us the flag:

Secret: Chwila chwila! To miało być bezpieczne!

Lessons learned: