r2 Debugging r2 - child processes If you ever want to debug r2 while it is debugging another process (so basically debug while debug r2 -d /bin/ls or when using ood) remember about few important things. Radare2 will create a new process so it is important to be sure if gdb is set to attach
r2 Debugging r2 This will be a short one. If you ever need to debug Radare2, and after running it under dbg you can't get into the debugger after hitting ^C as it should, remember that r2 handles this shortcut and this won't work. Instead use this: kill -SIGTRAP
radare2 radare2 can do java I was once asked on my YT channel to do a Java crackme. It only took 7* months to fulfill this request. So, wile waiting for Part 4, Professor this is for you. We will do a Java crack-me, but an easy one created by me. This is as I